
感谢您访问最近比较火的正规赌博软件网站(以下简称“网站”). 您的隐私对我们很重要. 我们想帮助您更好地了解我们的收款方式, 使用, 维护, 分享你的个人信息. This 隐私政策 is designed to help you understand your privacy choices when you visit our Site or 使用 our services. It does not apply to other websites that we do not control or other services that we may provide under contract.

We encourage you to read this 隐私政策 carefully and take the time to get to know our practices.  如果您对本政策或我们的隐私惯例有任何疑问,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 Privacy@AmericanSystems.com.

本隐私政策列出了我们目前与您的个人信息相关的做法, 但我们可以根据自己的判断随时调整. 我们是一个美国.S.的公司, and your personal information will be processed by 推荐最近最火的赌博软件 and its related third parties in the U.S.   在极少数情况下,我们的相关第三方可能位于其他国家.



  • 姓和名, 公司名称, 电子邮件地址, 邮寄地址, IP地址, 设备ID和其他数据, 电话号码, 用户ID, 密码和密码提示, 以及用于身份验证和帐户访问的其他安全信息.

    • 我们使用这些信息为您提供服务, 包括身份确认, 求职者跟踪, 间接营销.


  • 名字, 联系信息, 出生日期, 社会保险号, 设备和Internet连接信息, 教育和工作经历, 性别, 种族或民族出身, 性取向, 伤残和退伍军人身份, 犯罪记录(法律允许的), 以及其他相关信息.

    • 我们将这些信息用于人力资源服务, 包括, 但不限于, 人员配备, 福利登记, 记录管理, 分析我们的招聘流程和结果, 进行学术和就业核实, 背景调查(法律允许的情况下), 安全调查, 以及平权行动计划和分析.

We 使用 the Internet Protocol (IP) addresses of computers that access our Site to help identify you, 诊断本网站的任何问题, 管理和改进我们的网站, 并收集与上述目的有关的个人资料.


We may 使用 cookies to identify you and track your 使用 of the Site to improve your 使用r experience, 定制网站交互, 提供你感兴趣的内容, 提供支持, 管理和改进本网站. cookie是本网站为识别身份而放置在您计算机上的小文件. Cookies identify you to the Site and are 使用d to load your preferences and track the pages you visit.

Web浏览器可能被配置为自动接受cookie, 而且大多数将允许您修改处理cookie的方式. You may be able to configure your web browser to warn you when it receives a cookie in order to be given a choice to accept or reject the cookie, 或者您可以将浏览器配置为自动拒绝cookie. See the "Help" menu of your browser or its company’s website to learn how to change cookie preferences in your browser. 



在一般情况下, you can visit many of our web pages without telling us any more personal information than your device and IP地址 information. 在某些场合,如邮件列表注册或提交就业申请, we will ask for additional personal information and request your consent to process it for a specified purpose. 您是否提供此类信息完全由您自己选择, 但我们的服务可能有限.

If we decide to 使用 your personal information in a manner materially different from that stated in our 隐私政策 at the time that such information was collected, 在开始任何额外处理之前,我们将征得您的同意. You agree that if we send such notice to your then-current e-mail address as reflected in our records, 这样的通知就足够了. The notice will ask for your consent to 使用 your personal information in a manner different from our original processing. 如果你不同意, then we will not process your personal information beyond the purposes for which you have already consented.


我们的服务之所以成为可能,是因为有各种各样的第三方和服务提供商. 有时有必要与他们分享个人信息,以支持我们的服务. 我们也可能在以下情况下共享您的信息:

  • To conduct background checks and other necessary pre-employment activities for job applicants;

  • To consider you for work op港口unities on projects that we currently work or propose to work;

  • 检讨招聘资源;

  • To process services which may benefit you as an employee such as providing employee benefits, 员工旅行援助, 员工费用报告处理, 或薪酬方案分析;

  • 服从法院的合法命令, 传票, 认股权证, 或其他公共当局的要求, or as otherwise required by law; and

  • 作为部分或全部资产转让或其他公司变更的一部分, 包括潜在的合并, 收购, 出售, 或者其他控制权的变更.

您的信息可能会披露给最近比较火的正规赌博软件的国内和国外子公司. 您的信息也可能被转移给第三方用于数据备份, 整合, 存储, 简化客户管理. 作为任何数据传输的一部分, 您的信息可能会跨越州和国家边界.

如果我们了解到您的个人信息不受我们合同的保护, 或者未经你同意而被处理, we will take reasonable steps to protect your information and/or cease its illegitimate processing.


The LinkedIn Insight Tag is a piece of lightweight JavaScript code that we have added to our websites to enable in-depth campaign re港口ing and to help us unlock valuable insights about our website visitors. 我们使用LinkedIn Insight Tag来跟踪转化率, 重新定位网站访问者, 并解锁有关会员与我们的领英广告互动的更多见解.

LinkedIn Insight Tag允许收集元数据,如IP地址信息, 时间戳, 以及页面浏览量等事件. 所有数据都是加密的. The LinkedIn browser cookie is stored in a visitor's browser until the visitor 删除s the cookie or the cookie expires (there’s a rolling six-month expiration from the last time the visitor’s browser loaded the Insight Tag).

你可以在你的 LinkedIn设置页面. 建议您阅读 领英Cookie政策 了解更多信息.


Although we take appropriate measures to 维护 against unauthorized 信息披露s of information, we cannot assure you that the personally identifiable information we collect will never be disclosed in a manner that is inconsistent with this 隐私政策. 我们维持行政管理, 技术, and physical security measures designed to provide reasonable protection for your personal information against unauthorized access, 信息披露, 变更, 损失, 和滥用. 这些安全措施包括访问控制, 加密, 安全配置, 网站的证书, 防火墙, 端点保护软件, 设备卫生措施, 以及网络监控工具.

虽然我们致力于保护我们的网站和服务, you are responsible for securing and maintaining the privacy of your password(s) and account information. We are not responsible for protecting personal information that you have shared with a third party, 包括在本网站和其他网站使用相同的密码.


我们理解您对您的个人信息拥有权利. 我们已经设计了我们的网站, 采取合理措施允许您访问, 正确的, 修改, 删除, 港口, 或限制使用您的个人信息.

Job applicants can update many types of collected personal information directly within their job application accounts. 请透过电邮联络我们 HR@AmericanSystems.com if you are unable to access or otherwise change your personal information within your account. 如果您对所收集的其他数据有疑问,请通过电子邮件与我们联系 Privacy@AmericanSystems.com.

我们可能会定期向客户发送有关我们职位候选人的信息, 员工, 产品, 和服务. If you have been receiving such information and do not wish to continue receiving such information, 您可以通过发送电子邮件至以下地址选择不接收这些通信 Privacy@AmericanSystems.com 在电子邮件的主题栏中注明退订.


本网站不适合16岁以下的个人使用, although we may receive job applications from those who are under the age of 16 but are legally able to work for our Company. Please be aware that we will not knowingly collect personal information from anyone under the age of 13. 通过访问本网站,您确认您至少年满13岁. 如果您对个人信息的收集有疑问, 使用, 或分享, 或者要投诉, 请电邮至 Privacy@AmericanSystems.com.


本网站可能包含指向我们无法控制的其他服务和网站的链接. 例如, the page of the Site devoted to employee benefits offered contains links to third-party providers and websites maintained by those providers. 请注意,我们不对此类第三方的隐私做法负责. 我们鼓励您查看您访问的每个网站的隐私政策.


我们保留随时修改本隐私政策的权利. 如果我们决定更改本隐私政策, we will post any such changes on the Site where the 隐私政策 is located so you will always be aware of what information we collect, 我们如何使用它, 在什么情况下, 如果有任何, 我们公开它. We also will email those 使用rs who have given us sufficient personal information to contact them regarding changes to our 隐私政策. Your continued 使用 of the Site following the posting of changes to this 隐私政策 means that you accept the changes to the policy.


最近比较火的正规赌博软件已任命一名隐私管理员. If you have any questions about this 隐私政策 or its implementation, you may contact us at Privacy@AmericanSystems.com 或者您可以将普通邮件发送到以下邮政地址:推荐最近最火的赌博软件, 收件人:隐私管理员, 14151公园草地博士, STE 500, 尚蒂伊, VA 20151. Should you believe your personal information has been 使用d in a way that is not consistent with this 隐私政策 or should you have further questions related to this 隐私政策, 请通过电子邮件联系隐私管理员 Privacy@AmericanSystems.com 或按上述邮寄地址邮寄.



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